Local Boards Meeting
Local Boards Meeting is an event held once a year and it gathers members of Local Boards in ESN Croatia. Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Treasurers, and Communication Managers meet for a 3-day conference where the future of the Network is discussed. During the Local Boards Meeting the participants get an opportunity to share the issues they encounter while leading their association as well as the chance to find solutions if necessary.
Local Boards Meeting je godišnja konferencija u trajanju od 3 dana koja okuplja Lokalne Odbore podružnica ESN-a Hrvatska koji uključuju Predsjednike, Potpredsjednike, Tajnike i Predstavnike odnosa s javnošću te se tijekom konferencije raspravlja o budućnosti mreže. Tijekom LBM-a sudionici imaju priliku raspravljati o problemima koji se pojavljuju u vođenju podružnica kao i pronaći rješenja tih problema.
6th Local Boards Meeting Osijek (2022)
5th Local Boards Meeting Online (2021)
4th Local Boards Meeting Zagreb (2020)
3rd Local Boards Meeting Split (2019)