Corporate partners
Green and smart mobility to experience the world
FlixBus is a young mobility provider that has been changing the way millions of people travel in Europe since 2013. As a combination of tech-startup, e-commerce platform and transportation company, FlixBus was able to establish Europe's largest intercity bus network in the shortest amount of time. Thanks to a user-friendly booking system and an extensive route network, they can offer travellers the opportunity to experience the world no matter their budget. Their green buses comply with the highest safety and environmental standards, so they can offer a sustainable and convenient alternative to private transport. They provide the highest level of comfort. Their success can be attributed to the digitization of traditional bus travel. With technological advancements like e-ticketing system, the FlixBus-App, free Wi-Fi onboard and GPS Live Tracking, they have been revolutionising the bus travel industry. Through smart network planning and dynamic price management, they provide our customers with great offers. They also rely closely on partnerships with small and medium-sized enterprises: their regional bus partners – often family-owned companies with decades of experience, are responsible for the green FlixBus fleet. This is where the innovation and start-up spirit of FlixBus meets the experience and know-how of traditional SMBs.
Get a 10% discount on your next trip using your ESNcard here!
Door-to-door shipping service
Get a 10% discount when sending luggage, packages or relocating with Eurosender - available in Europe & globally, with insurance included!
Don’t waste time trying to make everything fit into one little suitcase when preparing for your move. Bring as many luggage as you need, at the lowest cost. Eurosender offers simple and reliable shipping services, helping more than 500,000 students organise their move when studying abroad. They collaborate with multiple international courier companies to make sure you always find the right shipping service for your needs, whether you are sending a suitcase, a package, an envelope, or organising an entire relocation.
Use the promo codes below to save when shipping packages or relocating anywhere in Europe.
What do you get when shipping with Eurosender?
Besides having unbeatable prices and shipping discounts for students, Eurosender offers several other advantages, such as:
- instant shipping quotes – without hidden costs;
- free basic insurance included in the price;
- door-to-door deliveries for greater comfort;
- global reach – ship to any country in the world;
- express shipping for an urgent delivery Express shipping.
How to use your shipping discount on Eurosender?
Besides having unbeatable prices and shipping discounts for students, Eurosender offers several other advantages.
- Go to
- Choose the countries “from” and “to” you wish to send.
- Select the type of delivery service you need. Choose Packages for parcels and luggage or Van Delivery for relocations.
- Enter the shipping details.
- Choose your payment method and enter the applicable code:
ESNCRO for 10% off when shipping packages
ERASMUSVAN for 5 EUR off for pallets & van
If you need further information about their shipping services for students, check Eurosender’s webpage!
What can you send?
When shipping with Eurosender, you can send almost anything! These are some of the items most shipped by students while moving abroad or back home – check their guides to find out how to pack your belongings before shipping:
Check everything you can send!
Zajedno do diplome
X-ica je portal gdje su sve važne informacije na jednom mjestu, uključujući obrazovanje, financiranje, zabavu, uz raznolike mogućnosti očuvanja skromnog budžeta studenata. Ujedinjava mladenački duh i pregledan sustav korisnih studentskih sadržaja upućenim kako redovnim tako izvanrednim studentima. se nada kako će te ih prepoznati kao prijatelja od mature do diplome te da ćemo se svi skupa svakodnevno razvijati i usavršavati ovaj portal za buduće naraštaje. - radimo na sebi je neovisni portal specijaliziran za područje obrazovanja i karijernog razvoja. Cilj portala je promovirati razvoj i ulaganje u intelektualni kapital te pratiti trendove u obrazovanju i na tržištu rada na lokalnoj i globalnoj razini. Želimo pomoći mladim profesionalcima, studentima i srednjoškolcima da kontinuiranim radom na sebi unapređuju postojeća i stječu nova znanja i vještine.
Jooble - pronađite posao danas
Na web stranici Jooble ćete pronaći sva slobodna radna mjesta u Hrvatskoj. Jeste li ikada čuli za takvo nešto? Svi otvoreni poslovi u Hrvatskoj dostupni su samo na Jooble-u i to nije zbog toga što je Jooble "najveći web resurs u Hrvatskoj", "vodeći portal za zapošljavanje" ili nešto slično. Jedini razlog je specifičnost rada web stranice Jooble: poput drugih internet tražilica (na primjer Google ili Yahoo) Jooble ne čuva informacije u svojoj bazi podataka već ih samo pretražuje, ali upravo to radi mnogo bolje od bilo koga drugog.
Kada vršite pretragu posla sa Jooble-om, dobivate linkove ka najpogodnijim natječajima za posao prema Vašem upitu s više od 465 web stranica za zapošljavanje u Hrvatskoj.

Skener Yachting
Skener Yachting je agencija za nautički turizam koja će vam približiti cijeli doživljaj jedrenja na malo drugačiji način. Naglasak stavlja na spoj aktivnog odmora i nautičkog turizma, a svojim inovativnim brendom SKENER (visokokvalificiranih skipera koji povezuje posao skipera i osobnog trenera na vašem odmoru) omogućuje da svoje ljetovanje na jedrilicama i katamaranima upotpunite različitim sportskim i opuštajućim aktivnostima: školom jedrenja, jedrenja na dasci, yogom, masažom, podukom neplivača, fitnessom i ronjenjem na dah.
Osim edukacija i najma SKENER-a (skipera / trenera), bave se i najmom brodova, organiziraju razne evente, team building programe, skiperske akademije te jedinstveni Student Sailing Week, party tjedan jedrenja namijenjen studentima i svima koji se tako osjećaju. Skener Yachting čini tim mladih i ambicioznih ljudi, redom diplomirani kineziolozi, koji će vam svojim vještinama i stručnošću zasigurno pružiti nevjerojatno iskustvo jedrenja. Skener Yachting će vam osigurati idealan omjer adrenalina, zabave i opuštanja, te se pobrinuti da vam upravo ovo bude ljeto za pamćenje.
Erasmusu is the largest student community in Europe. You will be able to book verified accommodations, learn about different cities and universities, read about other travellers’ experiences and find jobs and internship offers. Our multilingual team will help you find the perfect accommodation and book it through our secure booking system.
Use the promo-code ESNCRO30 to book your accommodation through this link and you will have a 30% discount on the booking fee. If you need assistance write to or fill in this form.
“Knowledge, perspective, and a touch of humour to world events”
The Economist sets a different standard. As the next generation of opinion leaders, it's important you stay up-to-date on what's happening around the globe. Each week, The Economist spans everything from European and world news, politics, business and finance, science, technology and the arts.
Available in digital-only or as a print and digital package, you have the opportunity to enjoy The Economist's stimulating debate, intelligent insight and genuine quality however you wish whether you're at home, at university or travelling. And now digital subscriptions also include The Economist Espresso, our daily app for smartphones.
Go beyond the headlines, to get the bigger global picture. Subscribe to The Economist today! As an ESN member, you can take advantage of this preferential offer and save 20% on the annual student subscription rate. You will also receive one copy of Intelligent Life, the bi-monthly lifestyle magazine from The Economist as a gift.

Learn anything, effortlessly
Perlego is a digital online library focusing on the delivery of academic, professional and non-fiction eBooks. It is a subscription-based service that offers users unlimited access to these texts for the duration of their subscription. They have been billed as “the Spotify for Textbooks” by the Evening Standard.
A 15% discount is waiting for you so click here and learn anything, effortlessly!